Nationale Long Distance Hoge Mouw (19/03/2023)
Category: Training Forest
Map/area: Hoge Mouw
Organiser: Trol
Country: Belgium
Discipline: Long
Distance: 19.06 km
Time: 104:32
Average HR: 144
Maximum HR: 163
1) +30" shitty routechoice 2) +25" shitty execution 5) +5" little hesitation 6) +10" should've gone more straight 13) +5" little hesitation when coming on the first big path again, didn't prepare routechoice 16) +5" little hesitation because of going in a path earlier than planned and was looking for the tower which obviously wasn't going to be there 25) +5" little check on the first paths how I had to go 28) + 5" going a bit to far to the left in the end of the leg coming on the crossings of the streets. ~1'30" of mistakes and some more timeloss just of not having the best legs in some parts of the course.
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Nationale Long Distance Hoge Mouw (19/03/2023) Nationale Long Distance Hoge Mouw (19/03/2023)