BeArrows multitechnique: Hoge Rielen (16/01/2022)
Category: Training Forest
Map/area: Hoge Rielen
Organiser: KOL
Country: Belgium
Discipline: Forest
Distance: 6.57 km
Time: 37:15
Average HR: 125
Maximum HR: 152
Ok start of the training, little hesitations close to controls 4, 7 and 8. Then a huge mistake to 9 still don't get it, I was confused as there where 2 ditches and only one on the map so I was looking around the whole time around the first one before running further where the control was. Next 2 controls where good to make a new mistake at 12 where I was at the wrong "hill" and not sure where I was, I relocated thanks to the fence and water. Again smooth from there to the finish.

Training part 2 press [here]
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BeArrows multitechnique: Hoge Rielen (16/01/2022) BeArrows multitechnique: Hoge Rielen (16/01/2022)